Bad zombie–no brains.

I’m a huge zombie fan, but I have to say, I’m completely underwhelmed by all the zombie games that’s been made thus far–including those still in production. Why are they all focussing on endless carnage, as if the only thing that’s compelling about the zombie genre is the blood and gore and the severed body parts. That’s like saying the best thing about thrillers is the gunfights. Totally, and completely missing the point in my opinion. I have a zombie game design that I’ve been working on, and it’s exactly the kind of zombie game I would pay good money to play. I want to talk about the design in detail, but you never know–it just might get picked up by a studio one of these days. So for now, mum’s the word.

Elena got sick after we arrived in the States–her immune system finally caving in from all the stress and sleep deprivation before and during the move. I seem to be fine thus far–which is miraculous, as my immune system is about as strong as an eggshell. But you know how it is–the moment you make mention of your state of good healthy, some unseen force off somewhere will say “Oh YEAH? We’ll see about that!” Screw knocking on wood–I want to take a baseball bat to the cantankerous fucker.

It’s a really strange feeling–finally being back in the States for good. I told Elena just yesterday that I kept feeling like I might get yanked the thrown back into China any moment. It’s a subtle and unexplainable fear, which has no real justifiable source, as my life in China was far from being hard. In fact, I lived very comfortably–broadband internet, expensive restaurants, tons of DVD’s and video games, and lots of freetime to work on whatever I wanted. As long as I stayed at home, life was in fact, quite peachy. I think it really comes down to the overall quality of life. In China, the environment as a whole is far worse–the government, the media, transportation, lack of global awareness, social inequality, corruption, environmental pollution, insane traffic, low moral standards, lack of education, dirty streets, rampant poverty..etc–it creates a sense of oppression that weighs heavily on your spirit. The minute I was back in the States, I felt like my soul could breathe freely again. As much as the people running this country can be real assholes, I love America and all that it stands for. Most people will never understand that feeling until they’ve lived in a country that does not hold dear the value of freedom, justice, and equality.

I mentioned about the bad power supply last time, and I did get it replaced. It’s sad that I know more about putting together computers than the guys working in the computer department of Circuit City. I mean, I’m about as un-techie-like as one can get, but even I know how to put together a computer correctly and troubleshoot hard drive booting sequences in the bios. I ended up turning one of their computer on display into a little DIY station and took care of everything myself. Sales guys would walk by and see me ripping out the peripherals of one of their computers and ask “Um.. do you need help?” It was kind of funny, in a pathetic way. Anyway, a brand new 400 watt juice machine is now powering my workstation. Sometimes simple things in life are worth celebrating. 🙂

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