Crazy Modular Synth

WEBLOG:This is absolutely the most amazing modular synth I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure how practical it is in terms of efficient workflow (for example, saving presets, or recalling parameter settings, or errr….say your cat walks across it and knock a few pieces off when you’re in the bathroom), but it’s fun as hell to watch:

I can see it being a fun thing to use for live performances, educational purposes, or just collaborative fun, but I don’t see how it could be a practical music-making tool for serious musicians.

I finally watched A History of Violence, and although it felt quite different from what I’d expect from a David Cronenberg film, I did enjoy it–just not to the extent I thought I would. In many ways, it is the most accesible film Cronenberg’s ever done (at least to me), and maybe that’s what left me wanting–that extra spice you go see a Cronenberg film for (it’s the same with David Lynch for me). I really dug William Hurt in the film–I thought his portrayal of the mob boss brother was the most exciting thing to watch in the film. Hurt had that accent down perfectly, and was the most dark and menacing I’ve ever seen him in any film–I totally bought it and wanted more. I wasn’t nearly as taken with Viggo Mortensen or Ed Harris, which is probably one of the reasons the film didn’t quite hit the spot, as you’d have to be totally sold on those two characters for the film to be as tense as it should be.

Those of you who are fans of the Dead Or Alive series of games will probably enjoy this little comic from CTRL+ALT+DEL on the upcoming DOA Extreme 2 for the Xbox360 (looks like they dropped the “Beach Volleyball” from the title since it’s not really mainly about volleyball anymore):

Yeah, the physics for the the bouncing mammary action are just ridiculous in the upcoming sequel. There’s such a thing as overdoing it to the point where it’s no longer attractive and simply just comedic. Itagaki probably meant it as a tongue-in-cheek thing, but I think it was a bad call because it actually detracts from the appeal of the characters. Well, this is supposed to be a total cheesecake game afterall, so complaining about it would be like complaining about the lack of subtlety in a Michael Bay film.

I personally loved the first Extreme Beach Volleyball game, and I feel no guilt about it at all. DOAXBV is simply one of those games you either love or hate, and I really enjoyed it because it made you feel like you were actually on a vacation having fun, instead of stressing out over keeping score, finishing a level, killing enemies, or strategizing a victorious battle. Of course, the girls are cute and all that, but I’m married to very cute and sexy woman (as the Kitty Cat Diary of my site would attest to), so a game would have to be more than just T&A to get me to play. The combination of the mini-games, the presentation, the designs, and the music (I used all custom music for it)..etc all worked together well for me. I’m definitely looking forward to the sequel, even with the funny physics.

My brother Dennis turned me onto The Venture Bros. (he lent me his season one DVD’s), and it definitely didn not disappoint. It’s probably the funniest and most intelligent animated show I’ve seen in years, and I can understand why Dennis and his friends all love it. The humor is just off the wall, and the dialogues are witty as hell. Even the Doctor Venture character–as horrible of human being as he is, is just so ridiculously funny to watch (kind of like George Costanza in Seinfeld). Watching it makes me want to take the stuff I’ve written for Akihabara@Deep, rip out the parts that are totally new (the parts I rewrote), and work them into a standalone series for pitching to the Adult Swim segment of Cartoon Networks. The most exciting thing about my take on Akihabara@Deep are the new characters and premise I created anyway, so might as well not let it all go to waste.

One of the great things about being back in the States is that I’m slowly catching up on all the cool obscure pop culture phenomenons I’ve missed out on in the last five years. I recently watched all of Freaks and Geeks too, and although I wish it had more drama than comedy, I can’t really complain because the comedy was just pure gold. I laughed so hard in some of the episodes that I had to make sure I wouldn’t drink or eat anything while watching the show–for the danger of choking to death.

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