The trippiest underpass lighting ever. I just had to bust out the camera and shoot through the taxi window.
It seriously looks like it's out of a video game.
How did this get past the city planning committee? Not complaining though--it's way cool.
More shooting through the taxi window. It's really interesting how the camera picks up all kinds of ambient colors that human eyes can't see. It certainly did not look like this in reality.
Probably the most well-known Shanghai landmark.
Sun going down.
City lights are turned on.
Buildings like this are from the old days before the communists took over.
I love city lights.
Another video game like shot. City lights always seem surreal to me--almost like they are computer generated imagery.
Some purple thing shooting green laser. . .. Don't ask me. I really don't know.
Shipping yard stuff.
More shipping yard stuff I can't identify.
I thought the matching yellow roofs were cute.
From another angle.
I've never liked giant mirror ball styled architecture. Disco is so dead.
Concrete sail?
Frankly, I thought some of the "ultra modern" architecture were kinda garish.
From our hotel window.